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December 7, 2022
Fire extinguishers and their application on tankers
December 7, 2022
NOVO,od sada knjige dostupne i u pdf verziji.Obratite nam se sa povjerenjem i šaljemo knjige na vašu email adresu.Cijena po knjizi-samo 30eura
January 14, 2025

The manual gives a detailed description of the tanker, where in one book there are summarized explanations of equipment and devices, as well as cargo manipulation on various types of tankers.

Experience, knowledge and competence summarized in one book as a result of the author's many years of sailing as a captain for international foreign companies on various types of tankers. In order to increase safety and raise awareness among tanker crew members, students who will safely sail the world's seas on these special ships for the transport of liquid cargo, the book provides a complete insight and introduction to the topic of tankers. The book is very useful for professionals taking courses D13A, D13B, D14, D15, D16.

K eywords: tanker, ship, inert gas, LNG, LPG, product tanker, chemical tanker, liquid cargo, refrigerated cargo


Title: Tankers (color print)
Authors: Alen Gospić and Marko Oštrić
Number of pages: 178
Publisher: Redak
Release year: 2022.
ISBN: 978-953-336-833-7
Printing: digital book printing - print on demand

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